Saturday, May 21, 2022

The students of the Radical University: Earl Craig

Earl Barton Craig (b. Abt. 1853)
South Carolina.  Black/Mulatto.  
Occupation: farm laborer
Father's occupation: farmer

Earl was born in South Carolina to Thomas (or Tom) and Anna (or Annie) Craig.  Earl grew up in Pickens County, in the upstate. The father owned a farm, an unusual achievement for African-American at the time. In 1870, the family owned 70 acres of land on which they raised livestock (swine and a milch cow) and grew corn and a small amount of sweet potatoes.

Earl first appears in university records in the 1876 University of South Carolina catalogue.  He described as a freshman from Keowee following the modern studies track.  This university closed before he completed his degree. After the university closure, he returned to farm with his parents.

Sources Cited
1). 1880; Census Place: Hurricane, Pickens, South Carolina; Roll: 1238; Page: 82B

2). 1870; Census Place: Easley, Pickens, South Carolina; Roll: M593_1506; Page: 394A

3)  Census Year: 1880; Census Place: Dacusville, Pickens, South Carolina; Archive Collection Number: AD275; Roll: 14; Page: 20; Line: 5; Schedule Type: Agriculture

4)  Census Year: 1870; Census Place: Easley, Pickens, South Carolina; Archive Collection Number: AD266; Roll: 6; Page: 3; Line: 23; Schedule Type: Agriculture

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